7th Annual Ride for Multiple Myeloma

By Jasmin Paul

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Join us April 2 or donate here today

This April marks our 7th Annual Ride for Multiple Myeloma event where we raise not only awareness but much needed funding towards research to this horrible disease. 

We created this event to honour our late husband-father-friend Jiver, who battled with Multiple Myeloma for over 5 years. Jiver was always onboard with trying new treatments and would often comment that if it could help the next person diagnosed then he would be willing to give anything a trial. 

On April 2 we will celebrate the amazing life of Jiver and bring awareness to this rare form of Leukaemia. If you are in Perth and enjoy riding your motorcycle of driving in your car, we would love for you to join us as we leave at 10am sharp from West Coast V-Twin, 1733 Albany Hwy Kenwick and convoy to the King Road Brewery in Oldbury. This is a fun filled family event that hosts an amazing raffle and great opportunity to meet new people and contribute towards a great cause. 

Today, more than 53 Australians will be told that they have blood cancer and tomorrow - another 53 families will be devastated by the same news.

Please show me your support by donating to our fundraising campaign or joining us on April 2.

My Achievements

Congrats! You've hit your goal!

$80 raised - you've given a family a night of emergency accommodation!

You've covered genetic testing!

You've given a family a whole weeks accommodation near treatment

$1,000 raised - you've made a tube gene test with state-of-the-art-technology possible

You've covered 3 months of lab costs for vital blood cancer research

You've fund life changing research for 3 months

Thank you to my Supporters


Kaylene Rule


Andrew, Claire And Rhysey Xx


Sarah Hutchings


Duane Healey

Thanks for a great day and the shirt, lovely to see you all x


Jessica Serra

I’m memory of your precious dad 💙


Jessie Atkinson


Melissa A

Great job guys, another successful year raising awareness for this great cause. Your dad would be beaming 🖤


Fiona Edwards

In memory of Jiver & love to Hayley and her beautiful family ♥️


Melissa Fondacaro


Jillian Reid


Casey R

In memory of uncle Jiver ❤️ Proud of all the hard work you do each year x


Rebecca Lenderink

Sending lots of love Troy and Bec x


Jane Nie


Jae Huffer

In loving memory of your dad ❤️


Tara Knight