Lleytonโ€™s 1000 Over 20

By Lleyton Edwards

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Iโ€™ve taken a stand against blood cancer.

On the 3rd of August 2023 I lost my life long best friend Luke to Graft vs Host Disease as a result of his bone marrow transplantation that was needed from his diagnosis of Leukaemia.ย 

Luke was someone in my life who you never had a bad thing to say about as he was always a positive and kind hearted person. As a friend he always kept me accountable for things as he was never shy of telling you the truth whether you liked it or not.ย 

When hearing about his diagnosis you would have thought he just had a common cold, never complaining to anyone. Just smiling and trying to make the most of his life. This inspired me everyday to make sure I live life the way I want to live it so I can look back one day with no regrets, as you never know what curve balls life is going to throw your way.ย 

In honour of Lukeโ€™s memory, on the 3rd of August 2024 I am going to run a total of 1,000kms over the span of 20 days, averaging 50km a day, while trying to raise money for those in need.ย 

Although Luke has indeed inspired this event, the main reason I am doing this is because I want to raise awareness. Raise awareness to people who are not suffering from life a threatening disease, how lucky we all are and how important it is to not take life for granted. To make the most of what you have now. Be appreciative of the little things. Luke couldnโ€™t breathe oxygen without having tubes up his nose 24/7, so how lucky are we, he couldnโ€™t get up and walk 5 meters without need to stop and catch his breath back for 5 minutes.

It is a privilege to be able to get up and walk to the fridge to get something to eat and it is little things like this I feel some people take for granted everyday. Everyone is capable of reaching such levels of greatness, but become so comfortable where they are, it canโ€™t get any worse than this so why try and make it much better right? Wrong! We only get one go round in this game called life so why not live it in a way that you can look back on and be proud of because people like Luke, donโ€™t get that chance anymore and it would disrespectful to them for us to just waste our lives away.ย 

The money I raise will help provide care for those in need right now โ€” and it will back the brightest researchers to continue uncovering faster diagnoses and better treatments to save lives.ย 

Please show me your support by donating to my fundraising campaign.

Event Information

Saturday 03rd August

My Achievements

Congrats! You've hit your goal!

$80 raised - you've given a family a night of emergency accommodation!

You've covered genetic testing!

You've given a family a whole weeks accommodation near treatment

$1,000 raised - you've made a tube gene test with state-of-the-art-technology possible

You've covered 3 months of lab costs for vital blood cancer research

You've fund life changing research for 3 months

Thank you to my Supporters



Go do it 4 Luke x


Next Gen Physio


Bradley Williams

Good on you Lleyton !


Granger Family


Patrick Mccreanor

Incredible effort young man. Luke would be rightly very proud of you, as I’m sure everyone that knows you is. I coached Luke for a while and he was a great kid, who I am sure is missed by you, Marley, his other friends and of course his family, my thoughts are with you all.


Annika Reiss



Good luck, you won’t know me but your parents do




Noah Smith


Amanda Claxton




Sally Morgan

Good luck Lleyton, may your hard work inspire others.


Yasmin El Amri




Mark Duggan

Well done mate


Olivia Peacock


Connor Doran




With love All the staff at seamoors wine bar







Jo Dowle

What a truly amazing, kind and positive thing to do x


Glenys Hall


Jane Draper

From Billy’s mum.


George Parkes


Yvonne & Tony

Hope you raise bucket loads of money Lleyton, it’s for a great cause




Sarah Dobson

Lleyton you don’t know me but I’m a “compassionate friend” of Sue. What an amazing thing you are doing for your dear friend Luke. Will be thinking of you over your 20 challenge. Good luck xx


Helen Bland





An amazing challenge for such a great cause. Will be watching the journey and I know you will smash it!


Merrill Aharonian

in memory of Luke


Annie Gilbert

In memory of Leyton and to Suz doing amazing things for this charity


Ollie Harmer


Fin Cox


Sarah Parkes

Amazing efforts. Your dedication to the cause is inspiring. Good luck from Sarah, Lindsay and the kids


Helen Thomas (libby's Mum)

You and Luke were the first two boys Libby came home from Pashley talking about! (On day 1!) So proud of what you are doing - I know Luke will keep you strong through the hardest parts.


Minh Vo

Good job Lleyton


Peter Sundby


Daniel Conti

Good luck Lleyton!


Col Mart


Frederica Gandolf


Charlotte Curwood




Graeme Bernard


Glen Saunders

Best of luck Lleyton, you’ll smash it.


Gill Simpson

I’m sure your friend Luke would be so proud. Well done and good luck ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘





Carolyn Stoneham

Amazing cause and dedication to your best friend’s memory. You’re a superstar and we love ya! Caz, Justin and Max xxx


Jeni Lyon

Good luck Lleyton .. you are amazing what you are doing for Luke and other families out there . Lots of love all the Lyons xxx


Sally Hudson

Lleyton you are amazing, Luke would be so proud. Love Sally, Graeme and Abigail x


Tegan Scott


Dennis J

Wishing you well on your runs for such a worthy and personal charity


Millie Stewart


Denise Groves

Another donation Lleyton to help towards the vital research, well done and thank you for all you’re doing. Much love Luke’s nan Denise


Finlay Webb

Best of luck, Luke would be honoured. โค๏ธ


Kevin Berridge (sue's Friend)

An amazing person, doing an amazing thing, for an amazing cause! Good luck!!!




Sandy And Frank Burkhill

Good luck Leyton. If a life is measured by your friends Luke would have had a very long life


Victoria Cowen

Good luck Lleyton


Jack & Leo

Best of luck and thank you for doing it.


Sally (great Auntie)

Inspirational Lleyton. Enjoy every minute.




Cass Pollitt

Love you and couldn’t be more proud xxxxxxx


Donna Wood

Everyone should have a best friend like Luke. Everyone should have a best friend like you. Let us who are living, truly never take one single breath for granted. All the best with your trek!




Michael &jeanette Pollitt

So proud of your efforts Lleyton. Nan and Grandad


Ben Harrington


Denise Groves

Thank you so very much for doing this Lleyton in memory of my beautiful grandson Luke. Yes, Luke was an inspiration to everyone and you’ve said it all about the value of life and his attitude. You and Luke’s friends have been so amazing. You’ve all brought us great comfort at this dreadful time for us all at this saddest of times. The bond you all had is a credit to you all. Thank you again. Denise xxx


Noah Smith


Sue Bailey

So so proud of you. Luke's mum x



Love you hun proud of ya xxxx


Kristina Duckett


Sydney Matthews


Jemma Miyashita

so impressive !! good luck :)





You got this mate! ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿฝ


Aeddan Todhutner

Proud of you bro there will be more to come


Duncan Cahill

All the best !