I’ve taken a stand against blood cancer.
I am fundraising to help the 47 Australians who will know that they have blood cancer by the end of today — and for the 47 families who will face the same devastating news tomorrow. I am also fundraising in respect of past and future cancer battles won of my friends and my niece.
I have created this page to raise vital funds to help provide the special care that is needed to get families through a blood cancer diagnosis as well as to help fund more game-changing research into this disease.
The money I raise will help provide care for those in need right now — and it will back the brightest researchers to continue uncovering faster diagnoses and better treatments to save lives.
Hopefully my employer Suncorp will match the funds raised!!!
My Achievements

Congrats! You've hit your goal!

$80 raised - you've given a family a night of emergency accommodation!

You've covered genetic testing!

You've given a family a whole weeks accommodation near treatment

$1,000 raised - you've made a tube gene test with state-of-the-art-technology possible

You've covered 3 months of lab costs for vital blood cancer research

You've fund life changing research for 3 months
Thank you to my Supporters

Luke Brodie
Andrew Moore
Well done Kylie
Big decision! Great cause...
Elaine Badini
Well Done You will run faster with shorter hair
You are awesome!
So proud of you Kyles! Amazing effort!

Vanessa Kingsford
Bloody champ Kyles! Love it
Sue Henare
Hope that this helps a great cause. X
Lauren Green
Well done Mate :)

Neil Percival
Great cause Kylie!
Great job and still look fabulous!
Caryn Mathis
Well done Kylie
Cuz & Picko
Awesome Kylie, such a great cause! 👏🏾
Diana Young
Go girl.

Trina, Bryan, Megan And Erin
Thanks Kylie! You’ve done really well raising money for the Leukaemia Foundation. Love and hugs from us!
You always were and always will be my favourite ranga, with or without the mane.
Rachel O’d’s
A very worthy cause! 💕
Daniella Mccafferty
Good job Kylie!
Karin Walduck
Admire your contribution!

Ryan Lee
Kylie you're a star!
The Farmers
Sally O'donohue
Great work! Can't wait!
Great effort mate!

The Cameron’s
Great work Junior 🙌🏼
Robyn Andersen
Good on you Kylie. Just imagine how much faster you will run now.
Close to my heart, as you know. You’ll make someone feel a lot better about yourself. Thank you. 💛
Lisa Sturgess
Annette Wilson
Good job Junior!
Kim Markwell
Cath Pfingst
Suncorp Group
Well done for making a difference in our community - Suncorp
Kedar Gulvady
Khi Bullimore
Good on you Kylie
Michelle Dunning
Peter & Colleen Andrews
Madonna Ahern
You're awesome 💖
Kate O’d
Good on you Kyles!!
David Darmenia
Well done Kylie!
Holly Robinson
A lovely thing to do Kylie - Can't wait to see your hair transformation. All the best on your fundraising efforts!
Ray Archibald
Well done K. Can't wait to see the short hair
Sean Morris
Great work Kylie, well done!
Tehara Wickham
Great cause and awesome effort on your part Kylie, all the best.
Meegan O'donohue

Adam Rogers
Sandra Rorison
What a great thing to do Kylie
Chris Fazel
Paul De Beer
Belinda Mcdonald
Top stuff, doll. 👏👏👏
Allison Rieck
Once it's off you'll run faster...😘👍
Alex Scaroni
Well done legend!! 👏
Ainsley Mcdougall
You’re truly amazing for doing this. Good on you Kyles. xx
Great gesture Kylie!
Kirsty Tolputt
Verity Beshaw
Can’t wait to see the new hair style!

Wow! All the best for your niece and each 47 families!
Good on you Kylie, you are a beautiful Aunty xx
Kelly Lyons
Thank you Kylie for doing such a special thing to help those in need.
Megan Corfield
We won’t recognise you without that trademark ponytail on the field!
Sheelagh Moffat
Good on you Kylie!
Sharyn Chik
Good on you Kyles.
Happy birthday champ!!

The Pinks!

Debbie Little
Good on ya junior for donating the red locks for a great cause.
Good on you for making a difference! Love ya!
Marie Ryan
Michael And Louisa
Love your work ranga!
Looking forward to your knee look
Liz Charles
Happy Birthday 🎈🎊🎂 Great cause!
Maria L
I can't believe you're chopping it off! But happy its for a good cause :-)
Well done Kylie and what a great cause! Looks great btw!