I’m fundraising for Leukaemia Foundation
I’m on a mission to beat blood cancer. Please sponsor me to give families facing blood cancer the emotional and practical support they need.
You’ll also be funding vital research to help more people survive blood cancers, while improving their quality of life.
My Achievements

Congrats! You've hit your goal!

$80 raised - you've given a family a night of emergency accommodation!

$340 raised - you've covered genetic testing!

$560 raised - you've given a family a whole week's accommodation near treatment

$1000 raised - you've made a tube gene test with state-of-the-art-technology possible

$4800 - You've covered 3 months of lab costs for vital blood cancer research

$10,000 raised - You've funded life changing research for 3 months
Thank you to my Sponsors
Carol Burgmann
Jasmina Svoboda
Forde Fam Bam
Should tip you over the $1000! Great awareness :) Go Matty! Very inspiring. Much love - The Fordes
Elysha T
Krystal O'grady
Love you Matty. Go hard or go home...as you would say ;)
Robert Colusso
Good work Matt wish I was fit enough to join you haha
Mel Robbie
S&n Marzol
All the best for the vertical 5K… great effort… I’m tired just thinking about it..
Joshua Robbie
Elton Watters
Tim Reynolds
Enjoy 😊!
Ruth Butler
Wow 16 times, have fun with that! 😳😂 great cause
Nicole Musialik
Matt Lamont
Good cause. Go get it Matty 💪
Daniel Moore
Good luck mate!
Amanda Robbie
Go you good thing ;)
Judith Bibo
Go for it!
William Barlow
Hayley C
Onya Matty! 💪
G+g Gates
Legend!! 😍 For those who cant!!!
Kaylee Raethel
Go get ‘em Robbie Monster
Bloody good job, mate 👍🏼