I’ve taken a stand against blood cancer.

I am fundraising for my 73-year-old grandfather who got diagnosed with myeloma in 2018 and has been told that he will never be cured, Pop is now and will forever be on monthly chemo treatments which are keeping his cancer counts down to a reasonable level which is helping him to survive and keep living. He has been my rock and seeing him struggle with cancer is breaking my heart. So, I decided that if he could do it, so could I.
Leukemia has been affecting my family for 2 generations now, since the ’80s. My 2 older cousins have both had Leukemia. Blake was diagnosed at the age of 2 and sadly didn’t make it and Donna was diagnosed in her late 20's but was able to beat it and is now in remission.
Myeloma is a bone marrow cancer which affects the bone health, immune system, kidneys, and red blood cells. Leukemia is a blood cancer which was caused by the high number of white blood cells in the body and it is also rapidly growing.
My aim in this is to try and get awareness around about having cancer and the everyday struggles that comes with all the medication and the illness. Kids are out there scarred to go outside because they have no hair so I’m trying to give them hope and I know one person cant change the world, but I can do something to help change the world then I think it will be worth it.
Event Information
Tuesday 03rd November 00:00 - 23:30My Achievements

Congrats! You've hit your goal!

$80 raised - you've given a family a night of emergency accommodation!

You've covered genetic testing!

You've given a family a whole weeks accommodation near treatment

$1,000 raised - you've made a tube gene test with state-of-the-art-technology possible

You've covered 3 months of lab costs for vital blood cancer research

You've fund life changing research for 3 months
Thank you to my Supporters
Amanda Batten
Vicki Beard
Well done, I am sure your grandfather couldn't be prouder!
Nancy Smith
Well done Nevah - and you look amazing
Grace Taylor
Hi Nevah, Well done.
Isabella Tripodi
So proud of you beautiful! Such a selfless and inspirational act xx
Lauren Lang
An amazing thing to do! I wish I had been brave enough to do something like this. Well done!
Kylie Furnell
So brave and such an amazing cause. You have a giant heart xxx
Monica West
So inspirational
Lisa Bushell
Daniela F
Ben Woodhouse
Well done your amazing efforts Nevah. You should be extremely proud of yourself..... Ben & Jo xo
Michael Villis
Brave thing to do Nevah. You look great
Stewarts Welding & Fabrication
Tamara Duro
Well done princess!!! Xxxx
Helen Jordan
Kiara And Chanelle
Well done Nevah
Such a great cause. Could not be more proud of my little girl.
Connor Morton
You should be so proud! Such an amazing thing to do!

Mobile Id Cards
So proud of you Nevah, such a beautiful brave thing you are doing! xx
Wendy Pickford
Melissa, Andrew & Mackenzie Carmichael
Well done Nevah! Such a beautiful thing to do for pop! xx
Nick Ford
Well done Nevah. Your whole family is very proud of you.
Jessica Manno
Well Done Nevah! You are such a strong young lady!! Can’t wait to see the new look!! X
Teash Rose
You’re an inspiration to us all to be a little braver and to give a little more! Thank you for the chance to donate 💛
Uncle Dan
awesome work Nevah. You are making a difference
Jeff Parfitt
Anthony Griffin

Sonia Sellar
Very proud of you x
Susan Oniel
Great job
Kaye Woodhouse
Well done proud of you xx
Alexya Mazzacano

Andrew Mac
Simone Mazengarb

Hurtle Smart
Very proud of you love Uncle Hurtle
Julia Von
Great job Nevah! Such a good cause to support ❤️
Emma Mangan
I’m proud of you 😘
Matt And Shann Baida
Love this Nevah!!! Great work and don’t worry it will grow back 😉 I have a few old dreads you can have if you like?!

Philippa Liddy
Inspirational effort!
Sienna Druce
Auntie Jill And Uncle Macca
Andre, Phoebe And Hazel Gascoigne
Leave a mullet 🤟
Well done, you're making your family very proud.
Moore Family
Great work Nevah, you are doing an amazing job fundraising for Leukaemia. We are all very proud of you! Love Auntie Anne, Uncle Robbie, Kate and Donna xxxx
Aunty Susu
Feel free to share your hair
Beth White
Hi Nevah Glad to hear you are doing your part God Bless you

Granny And Pop
Good job Nevah love Granny and Pop
Karen Wilby
Good luck Nevah. and well done💖
Tanya Niblett
Well done Nevah xo
Cate Colman
Lea Murfitt
what a great thing you are doing. well done
Wade Martin

Louise Baida
Great work! I’m so proud of you. I promise to buy you a nice hat.
Katie Brown
Well done Nevah!
Kathryn Yeates

Cherine Exadactylos
Good on you love!
Susie Cartwright
Anne Papadimitroulis
What a brave girl you are amazing xx
Leigh Stretton
You are so brave and admirable Nevah! It takes a strong and humble person to such a considerate thing!
Mandy Loveder
Barbara Hoffman
Good luck with your fundraising. Such a brave act for a worthy cause.
Christie Peel
It is an amazing thing you are doing Nevah and for a very good cause. Good luck with the fundraising 😊
Grace Kai Sel Hennig
Go girl!
Well done Nevah!!
Julie Herewane
You are doing a great thing xx
Renee Oster
What a beautiful thing to do Nevah! Congratulations and Im sure you will smash your target! xx
Julie Quimby
Great stuff Nevah!
Sam Brockhoff
Good on you. It’s a lovely thing you are doing for the foundation
Kate Robertson

Monika Olley
Go Nevah the diva!!
Ashlee Chalker
Well done Nevah!!
Rachel Lee
You are very brave, well done Nevah
Amanda Ellis
Jarrod Dutschke
Auntie Ange
You’re awesome Nevah!
Lyn Murphy
What an incredible thing to do! Much love from Scotland xx
Nathan Robins
Great work nevah!
Sylvia Beattie
Brave lady
Marianne Robins
Hi there Nevada, I applaud your cause and am very proud of you. Well done. Great Auntie Marianne
Nevada Glass
Good luck Nevah
Marli Glass
Great work Nevah

Layla Van Den Berg
Well done Nevah. So proud to call you my friend.x
Michelle Lomman
Uncle kev will be so proud/and emotional about this. Well done
Karen Furnell
You are amazing young lady. Very proud of you 😘😘😘
Wade Bache
Madi Gray
Stewart Webster
Great work Nevah 👌🏻
Grant Beattie
Steve Howett
Proud of you sweetheart
Nereeda Christerson
So proud of you Nevah Not sure old pops will be able to cut off your beautiful hair but I think you guys should be able to bring him round Luvs ya ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Well done Nevah.
Mel Moss
You won’t remember me, but your mum better haha What an amazing thing you’re doing! Well done Nevah! I hope my two little girls grow up having the same confidence and loving heart that you do! X
Misty Bettinello
So Fantastic what you are doing ✌😁❤
Great job

Rebecca Freer
We are so proud of you baby girl.
Sarah Coles
Great work Nevah!
Sharon Soy
Well done Nevah!
Natasha And Leigh Durdin
Amazing Nevah. Love that you are supporting your pop/ my uncle. He would be so proud you are doing this

Megan Louise
Such a beautiful thing you are doing Nevah! Love from Aaron, Megan and Lucy xxxx
Illustrative Imprint
Go you
Lisa And Sean Marceddo
What a fabulous thing your are doing. Xoxox
Jackie Christerson
Proud of you bubby! 💗🤍
Janet Baida
Go Nevah. Well done. Your pop's a lucky granddad. Luv Oma & Opa 💖

Karen Descovich
What a wonderful thing you are doing Nevah. I bet your whole family are super proud of you. Congrats on being an awesome human.
Amazing effort Nevah! You should be super proud of the work you have done. Miss Batten