Nic Does Everest

By Nicola Macbeth

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Mount Everest

During the April school holidays next year, I will be embarking on the trek to Everest Base camp and Goyko Lakes to raise money for the Leukemia Foundation.

If you haven’t already, have a look at ‘’Lukla Airport…” Situated on the face of a mountain at an elevation of almost 2,900m, the airport is enclosed on one end by a 600m drop off a cliff face and on the other end by a solid stone wall. Because of it’s precarious location and length, the airport has been rated the most dangerous in the world.

Teamed with an oxygen deficit and temperatures that can drop as low as -60 during winter, with wind speeds reaching hurricane force, OH and no toilet. Naturally, I said, ‘’where do I sign up?’’

The motivation to climb Everest came with the loss of my high school friend. She would never get to experience those things, and suddenly the dangerous elements of this trip became privileges.

I’ll be holding several fundraisers leading up to the event with a hope to raise over $25,000 for the Leukemia Foundation. These fundraisers will be predominantly fitness based, including a workout where participants will complete the height of the climb (5,364m) across 5 Ergs in teams of 5.

All proceeds raised by ticket sales will go to Leukemia Foundation.


October 29th: 10am x Atora
November 19th: 10am and 11:15am x BaeSide Hot

My Achievements

Congrats! You've hit your goal!

$80 raised - you've given a family a night of emergency accommodation!

You've covered genetic testing!

You've given a family a whole weeks accommodation near treatment

$1,000 raised - you've made a tube gene test with state-of-the-art-technology possible

You've covered 3 months of lab costs for vital blood cancer research

You've fund life changing research for 3 months

Thank you to my Supporters



Go get it tiger


Steph Randle



In lieu of any erg work 😂



Great cause! Best of luck Nic


James Franco




Good luck and you’ll smash it


Linda Vloedmans

Great work Nic