I’ve taken a stand against blood cancer.

We'd love you to join us and the team of amazing supporters at Cyclebar, Currambine on Saturday 22 May 2021 at 10.30am for a ride (PAYMENT IS $25.00 ON THE DAY OF THE RIDE!) and an amazing opportunity to raise money for a good cause….and what better cause than one that hits very close to home.
My son Lee was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) shortly before Christmas in 2016. CML is a super rare type of cancer which affects the blood and bone marrow, where the body produces too many white cells (45 x the regular amount in Lee’s case – he always has to be so extra) and interferes with normal blood cell production, causing anaemia, infection and all sorts of other serious problems.
There is no cure for this cancer at
this stage and Lee remains on daily chemotherapy.
Because the cancer is so rare, the medicine required daily currently starts
from $62,000 per year and can be as much as $134,000 per year, which in some
cases is not covered by Medicare or other medical rebates. So hopefully with
additional research and medical advances, the required medicine can become more
available/affordable to those who need it.
This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the
community, support this hard working Foundation and to help provide
the special care that is needed to get families through a blood cancer
diagnosis, along with ongoing important research. Thank
you for your support and your donation to our fundraising campaign.
Paula and Brett
Event Information
Saturday 22nd May 10:30 - 11:30My Achievements

Congrats! You've hit your goal!

$80 raised - you've given a family a night of emergency accommodation!

You've covered genetic testing!

You've given a family a whole weeks accommodation near treatment

$1,000 raised - you've made a tube gene test with state-of-the-art-technology possible

You've covered 3 months of lab costs for vital blood cancer research

You've fund life changing research for 3 months
Thank you to my Supporters
Alexandra Shore
Barbara Twomey
Hey 😀
Saf Haque
A great cause. Hope all goes well for Lee. Best wishes
Jeff Davidson
Enjoy the indoors!!
Kevin & Gabriela
Good luck to you all !! This is a awesome thing you are doing. Sorry we can not ride with you but we are there in spirit. YNWA and YNRA 😃 Kev & Gabriela xx
Helen Flynn
Sorry I could not make the ride, enjoy the morning :-) Helen xx
Donna Cuperus
Susan Chapman
Great work Paula & Brett. Keep fighting Lee. No Surrender. Sue & Trev xx
Lorraine Phillips
Good luck with the cycle and raising money for a great cause - ŁOz & Stef
Vincent Fire Station
On be half of D platoon Vincent crew.
Donna & Chris Pilbrow
All the best for the ride Lee. Much love Donna & Chris Pilbrow
Great work Guys. Hoping for a cure soon. Stay strong Lee! Xoxo
Ashleigh Jeffrey

Suz Henning
Wishing you a very successful day fir such a great cause close to your heart ❤️ from Suz and Chook
Jake Phillips
Stephanie Monin
Caitlyn Mckenna
Jordan Mcgurk
Sorry I can’t make the ride on the day, but donating the $25 that I would have paid xx